Blog 2017-06-12T12:08:34+00:00

Giubileo 2025: Un Anno Santo ricco di eventi e una santa accoglienza con il coupon del pellegrino!

Il Giubileo 2025 sta per trasformare Roma in un palcoscenico di fede e cultura. L'Anno Santo, un'occasione unica per la Chiesa e per i fedeli [...]

GRAB circular bike path around Rome

GRAB which stands for "Big Ring for Bikes" is a circular bike path around Rome, it is the  longest bicycle path in Rome, with its 44 [...]

Vegetarian and vegan in Rome, a practical veggie guide

It is quite easy for vegetarian tourists in Rome to eat cruelty-free even if the typical roman cuisine is largely based on fish/meat dishes. Some of the [...]

11th novembre, 2015|Categories: Eat in Rome|Tags: , , , , , , |
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